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Course Descriptions

THE 211 - Theatre Production Laboratory

3 Credits

The purpose of this course is to give the student insight and practical understanding of the skills necessary to be successful in the high-pressure environment and lifestyle of a theatre production. Practical experience in theatre is achieved by successfully completing a crew assignment on one of the college's theatre productions. Technical aspects of a production include scenery, lighting, costumes, stage management, and artistic management. Specific assignments to production areas are made by a Visual and Performing Arts Department instructor based on student requests and production needs. Students will be expected to spend a minimum of eight (8) hours per week in supervised contract learning situations. May be repeated 4 times for 12 credits.

Permission of VAPA Theatre Faculty Member

MCC General Education: MCC-AH - Arts and Humanities (MAH)

Course Learning Outcomes
1. Demonstrate proficiency at one of the basic technical theatre skills; stage lighting, scenery construction, stage rigging, stage management etc.
2. Demonstrate the theatrical process through a reflective journal.
3. Evaluate critically the work of a production team and stage crew.

Course Offered Fall, Spring

Use links below to see if this course is offered:
Fall Semester 2025
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025